Scrap Seas is a build-and-destroy, action-roguelike game. Take your murder-boat into the ocean into the fight against steam-punk pirates, robots, sea monsters, and huge bosses! The free demo is currently availible on Steam.
“Imagine Build-A-Bear, but with murder!” - FallenShogun Gaming
“Some of these ships are so cool!” - Gamer Quest
“Pete the Placeholder Duck… I like it” - Eagle Garret
Base 10 Mini Golf was commissioned in 2024 to teach students about how to utilize base-10 patterns in math. The game challenges students to use their base-10 math skill to collect power ups on the golf course to get a hole in one!
"This is a great game to help teach students about base 10 patterns." - Teacher
Kids will enjoy shooting the ball into the holes in this game that will help students understand numbers and the power of 10." - Teacher
Decimalcon Defense was commissioned in 2023 to teach 3rd to 5th graders about addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division with decimals. The kids learn how to do each operation by using each decimal operation to plan out exciting space battles to defend planet Earth! It is available to play now on Legends of Learning's website.
"Your students will love playing this game to practice all four math operations on decimals. The game looks and sounds like a real video game as players prepare to do battle using their math skills. The problems offer guidance and can help stuggling students through the process, while stronger players can enter their answers more quickly. The game is fun and will give students a math workout!" - Teacher
Planet Pushers Photography was commissioned in 2023 to help elementary-school students to learn about how the Earth, Moon, and Stars work by working with a 3D model of the Earth and Sun in the Solar System. It is available to play now on Legends of Learning's website.
“This is a great game to review space, the moon, and constellations.” - Teacher
“This game is a fun and interactive way to visualize the Earth, Sun, Moon, and stars!” - Teacher
Planet Pushers was commissioned in 2022 to help middle-school students to learn about how seasons and eclipses work by working with a 3D model of the Earth and Sun in the Solar System. It is available to play now on Legends of Learning's website.
“Phenomenal teaching of the learning objective points via game mechanics.” - Client
“This is one of the best games that I have encountered to teach students about the movements of the Earth and moon and the phenomena that that movement creates.” - Teacher
“This game is insanely creative! It is such a fun game too.” - Teacher
Decal King is the simple and easy solution for Decals in Unity. It allows you to project your own custom materials and textures onto surfaces in your game. Great for environment FX such as burn marks and reactive UI elements. It is extremely well optimized for performance and comes with a long list of perks. It is compatible with any render pipeline.